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When it is desired that a student observes, documents, or reflects on something they are learning about over a long period, the Journals feature is an excellent tool for that purpose.
Operation Logic
  • The teacher provides a short instruction to the students in the form of text, video, audio clip, or images.
  • Based on the instruction, students can make entries in their own journals, such as documenting various stages of handicrafts, finished art projects, or books they have read. Students' entries may include text, audio clips, images, videos, or emojis.
Reviewing Entries
  • The teacher can review students' entries either for the whole group or individually.
  • The teacher can provide additional instructions or feedback to students through the journal.
  • Students can only see their own entries and any feedback or entries directed to them by the teacher.
  • Parents can be given the opportunity to view and comment on their child's journal.
  • If desired, the teacher can also make the journal a class-wide one, allowing students to see each other's work and comment on and like them.
  • The teacher can observe students' interaction in the journal through an illustrative sociogram.

Various Uses of the Journals Feature

Language and literature
  • Reading journal
  • Writing stories
  • Reading circle (shared journal)
Artistic and practical subjects
  • Crafts journal
  • Art journal
  • Physical education journal
  • Home economics involvement
  • Reading journal
  • Journal of oral proficiency demonstrations
Mathematical subjects
  • Successes in mathematics
  • Phenomenon journal
  • Experimental work journal
    Other learning journals
    • Work experience journal
    • Emotional journal
    • Sleep journal
    • Nutrition journal
    • Portfolio work journal