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With the Exercises feature, teachers can assign students simple exam-like exercises. Depending on the teacher's choice, students can respond to the exercises once or multiple times within the validity period. The teacher selects the questions to be used in the exercise either from ready-made templates or creates suitable questions themselves. Images can also be added to the questions. The teacher, student, and parent receive information about the student's performance.
Exercises may include the following types of questions:
  • Multiple-choice questions (automatically graded)
  • Open-ended questions (automatically graded)
  • Open-ended questions (manually graded)
  • Matching pairs (Qridi creates and grades tasks automatically)
  • Multiplication tables 1-10 (Qridi creates and grades tasks automatically)

Various Uses of the Exercises Feature

Drill exercises, tests, mini-tests, vocabulary quizzes, multiplication tables, matching pairs, multiple-choice tests, chemical symbols, days of the week, months, alphabets, orienteering symbols, visual arts content, foreign language words, parts of speech