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Task Lists

With the Task Lists feature, teachers can assign short-term tasks to students. Individual tasks form a task list that students can view in their own interface.
Operation Logic
  • Each task appears as a separate task card, always with a title and possibly a descriptive text, links, images, videos, audio files, and attachments.
  • Students mark tasks as completed in their view as they finish them.
  • The marking includes a self-assessment of the task's success.
  • Tasks can be assigned individually to each student in the group, to some students in the group, or they can be group tasks.
  • A student can also attach text, images, videos, audio clips, or attachments to their completion.
  • Each self-assessment made by students on their tasks appears in the teacher's view as color codes.
  • By reviewing the task list, the teacher gains a real-time picture of students' progress. The teacher can also provide their own assessment of the task.

Various Uses of the Task Lists Feature

  • Weekly tasks
  • Homework lists
  • Lesson or unit learning objectives
  • Learning objectives for the entire school year (e.g., physical education, visual arts)
  • Review tasks for exams
  • Project phases
  • Collected achievements (e.g., digital plant folder, music playing pass)

Examples of shared school or municipality use cases

  • Learning objectives related to skills and competences
  • Harmonized planning and curriculum alignment
  • Reading challenge
  • Physical education and reading diplomas
  • Digital literacy calendars, digital passes, and ICT skill paths
  • Individualized learning paths
  • Strength-based pedagogy