Flipped Learning with Qridi
The Basic Idea of Flipped Learning
In the flipped learning model, the focus is on learning rather than teaching, emphasizing how something could be learned and explored. Responsibility is given to the learner, but with safety nets in place at all times. Self-assessment and self-direction are essential components of the model, aimed at strengthening and supporting autonomy.
In practice, at the beginning of the week, students are given a list of tasks for the week. Students themselves decide where, when, and with whom the tasks will be completed. However, not all hours of the week are spent on task completion; some hours are allocated for teacher-led instructional sessions. Typically, only a few hours (3-10 hours per week) are reserved for this purpose.
The Task List fearure in Qridi is designed to facilitate flipped teaching from the perspectives of the teacher, student, and parent
With Qridi, teaching is well integrated from both the teacher's and student's perspectives. Qridi's task list feature is a comprehensive tool throughout the entire learning process.
The task list feature distributes instructions for the week's work to students. The distribution is managed collaboratively among teachers to avoid each one having to do it separately.
Oppilaille tehtävälista toimii paitsi ohjeina niin myös oman työskentelyn reflektoinnin työkaluna. Oppilaat arvioivat työskentelyään läpi viikon helpolla ja nopealla tavalla jokaisen tehtävän päätteeksi. Tehtäväkorttiin voi myös palauttaa kuvia, videoita, ääntä ja tekstiä.
The data accumulated in the process provides the basis for feedback to the teacher as well as to the students and parents. From the teacher's view, you can quickly see which students need discussion about their work or deserve praise for excellent performance. The teacher can optionally provide overall evaluations for completed tasks.